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Clean Sport Anti Doping

Clean Sport, Anti-Doping Policy

Police UK Disability Sport has a very clear policy regarding Anti-Doping.

Just as each sport has rules to determine how it is played or performed, there are Anti-Doping Rules in place to protect clean sport.

Doping is defined in the World Anti-Doping Code as the occurrence of one or more of the Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs). 

It's much more than a positive test.

You will find the current UK Anti-Doping Rules below. 

The facts - what you need to know about the 11 ADRVs

There are 11 ADRVs. All 11 apply to athletes, two (in bold) also apply to athlete support personnel and five (in bold) also apply to athlete support personnel and other persons. 

      Apply to athletes only

  • Presence
  • Use or Attempted Use
  • Evading, Refusing or Failing to Submit to Sample Collection
  • Whereabouts failures

      Apply to athletes and athlete support personnel

  • Possession
  • Administration or Attempted Administration

      Apply to athletes, athlete support personnel and other persons

  • Tampering or Attempted Tampering
  • Trafficking or Attempted Trafficking
  • Complicity or Attempted Complicity
  • Prohibited Association
  • Acts by an Athlete or Other Person to Discourage or Retaliate Against Reporting to Authorities

What that means for you

Athletes need to make sure they are fully aware of ALL the Anti-Doping Rule Violations and what the consequences are for breaking them. Visit our athlete support personnel hub for further information on checking medications, supplement risks, the testing process and much more. 

Refusing a test, as an example, could lead to four-year ban.

And remember, ADRVs are just like the rules in sport - it’s out or it’s in, it’s an official time or it’s not - but that is not everything.

Clean sport is more than rules - it is also how you train and compete in sport, and how you conduct yourself both on and off the field of play.

If in doubt, click on the links below to download the latest guidelines;

DOWNLOAD - 2021 UK Anti-Doping Rules DOWNLOAD - 2024 Prohibited List

Policy Breaches

If any person at Police UK Disability Sport is found guilty of any of the rules set out in this policy, they will be released from their membership and affiliation with PUKDS immediately. All cases will be reported to the Police for further investigation for any criminal offences.

If you have any concerns regarding any person or persons at PUKDS, please report it to us using the form below.

Anti-Doping Report

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