PUKDS is a self-funded not-for-profit registered community interest company, as such we rely on the kind donations of the public and funds raised through sales of merchandise and sponsorship opportunities. Every donation is greatly appreciated.

Region 14 - Northern Ireland


Region 14 - Northern Ireland

All of our positions are currently on a voluntary basis with our intention of creating part and full-time salary paid positions in the near future.

All of our voluntary roles are remote working and require access to the internet. This is not provided by PUKDS.

We are a Disability Confident Employer, observing the Police Covenant.

We are currently in the process of making our pledge to the Armed Forces Covenant.

PUKDS is a fully inclusive employer under the Disability Confident Campaign and we do not discriminate against any applicant.

The holders of voluntary positions will be offered first refusal of their role, when the position is being made in to a part or full-time paid role.

The offer will be made before it is advertised internally/externally.

Please click on the link below to complete the online application form.

Complete Application Form

Job Title: Regional Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The role of Regional Manager is to oversea that the PUKDS National Framework is followed, by managing the Regional Team on delivering our dedicated sports programs in the National Leagues. You will be responsible for holding monthly meetings with all of the departments managers, Leads and Liaisons so that your region stays on track with the National delivery of disability sport. You will oversea the recruitment of additional volunteer resources and have a role in the application and interview process, assisting the department managers to hire the best person for the role.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Be able to work alone and lead a team on collaborative projects with a common goal. Management/Supervisor experience is required for this role as work place training is not currently provided.

Job Title: Regional Secretary

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

your role is to support the Regional Manager by providing clerical assistance, file management, arranging meetings and attending those meetings to tale minutes and disseminate the actions from those meetings to other departments. It is your role to liaise between all of the departments to produce a monthly report summary for the Regional Manager.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Note taking skills and experience in producing reports. Ability to work alone and as part of a small team. Good communication skills are vital to this role.

Job Title: Sports Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

It is the role of the Regional Sports Manager to maintain the National Sports Framework for delivering PUKDS adaptive sports. You are responsible for the running of each of the sports, working collaboratively with other departments to ensure the correct level of exposure for each sport and event in your region. To have a working relationship with the community sports teams in your Region so that PUKDS sports teams can compete against local teams, providing exposure in the community to police disability sport. You will be responsible for holding a monthly meeting with the coaching staff for all sports, where any actions being instructed at the national level can be disseminated and any feedback from the region can be accumulated and a report sent to the National Sports Coordinator periodically. You will also be involved in the appointment process of coaching staff and their development through the National Coaching Framework, working with the National Coaching and Officiating Coordinator.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Experience in producing reports. Ability to work alone and as part of a small team.

Job Title: Volunteer Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

It will be your responsibility to manage the regional volunteers, their activities and events. You swill also be involved in the application, interview and development of volunteers so that PUKDS is well represented in your region. You will be responsible for liaising with local organisations and businesses to arrange events with the Regional Events Manager where PUKDS volunteers can attend to help raise money for the campaign to support the competitors in your region and stage sporting events through donations.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone, as part of a team and the ability to manage small teams with collaborative working. Experience in volunteering is essential for this role. Good communication skills are vital to this role.

Job Title: Events Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Working along side the Sports Manager and the other department managers, it is your role to engage with local sports clubs in arranging exhibition matches. You will also be responsible for building relationships with venues and other organisations to ensure that our sports teams have suitable training facilities. You will be the Lead for the management of Regional Events, working with the promotions and advertising manager, social media and other departments to develop regional campaigns for raising awareness of our campaign.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone, as part of a team and the ability to manage small teams with collaborative working. Experience in events management is required as work placed training is not provided. Good communication skills are vital to this role. The ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Job Title: Fundraising Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Your primary responsibility will be to develop regional fundraising campaigns, working along side the promotions and advertising team, events manager and sponsorship manager to produce attractive advertising campaigns to raise awareness of police disability sport and fundraising initiatives and events in your region. You will be required to work with the other regional fundraising managers to deliver on the Fundraising Framework as set by the National Fundraising Coordinator.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone, as part of a team and the ability to manage small teams with collaborative working. Experience in fundraising is not essential but would be an advantage as work place training is not provided. Good communication skills are vital to this role. The ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Job Title: Sponsorship Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The role of the Sponsorship Manager is to seek local sponsorship from organisations and businesses who will be able to promote our campaigns in the region. Who will promote a healthy relationship with the police forces and it's officers and staff and are supporters of promoting police disability sport in the community. Working with the other regional sponsorship managers to deliver the national PUKDS sponsorship framework as set by the National Sponsorship Coordinator.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone, as part of a team and the ability to manage small teams with collaborative working. Good communication skills are vital to this role. The ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Job Title: Promotions and Advertising Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Your role will be to work collaboratively with all of the other departments in creative attractive and inviting advertising and promotional campaigns that are suited for the region and local communities. Using the National framework, you will be responsible for delivering eye catching graphics and liaising with local businesses and organisations who are willing to display our literature and promotional products on their premises and online outlets.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone, as part of a team and the ability to manage small teams with collaborative working. Good communication skills are vital to this role. The ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Job Title: Social Media and Communications Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Working along side the other department managers, it will be your responsibility to manage the online content and visibility of your Region on social media platforms. Using the National PUKDS social media framework, you will be responsible for developing eye catching graphics and campaigns to raise awareness of our events, sports and any other notable activities at the Regional level and on occasion the national level for major events and competitions. You will also be responsible for the administrating of the Regional community communications groups such as WhatsApp.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone, as part of a team and the ability to manage small teams with collaborative working. Good communication skills are vital to this role. The ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Job Title: Media Relations Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Your main responsibility will be to liaise with local news and media outlets, organise media attendance at events and to arrange interviews with the regional team and competitors to raise awareness of our campaign, the sports and the effect that sports recovery has on injury, disability and mental health. It will be your responsibility to produce a database of local media that can promote a positive awareness of our campaign and to recognise those that may seek to undermine our activities in the media through negative coverage.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone, as part of a team and the ability to manage small teams with collaborative working. Good communication skills are vital to this role. The ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Experience in media relationships would be an advantage for this role as work placed training is not provided.

Job Title: Grants Applications Manager

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

You will be responsible for making local grant and funding applications through local charities, councils and organisations who provide financial assistance to adaptive sports, disability and mental health conditions. You will be building lasting relationships through collaborative partnerships and affiliations whilst working with other departments to ensure that we obtain the appropriate level of funding through organisations that promote positive change in police disability sport. Your other key role will be to access grant applications from competitors in your region, applying the PUKDS National Grants Framework to make decisions on who we can support financially based on affordability of the competitor and in line with the framework for providing financial assistance.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone, as part of a team and the ability to manage small teams with collaborative working. Good communication skills are vital to this role. The ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Experience in making grant applications and assessing grant applications would be an advantage but not essential as work placed training is not provided. Compassion and the ability to make difficult decisions when considering rejecting grant applications.

Job Title: Safeguarding Lead

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Your main responsibility will be to ensure that the activities of the region are in line with national policy regarding the safeguarding of staff and competitors at all times. That all safeguarding issues raised are investigated and reported to the National Safeguarding Coordinator. You will work closely with all managers, coaching staff and competitors to maintain safeguarding procedures are adhered to at all times.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone and as part of a team. Good communication skills are vital to this role. Experience in safeguarding is essential for this role as is a DBS certificate.

Job Title: Health and Safety Lead

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

This role is to oversea all of the activities, sports and events in the region to ensure that they all adhere to Health and Safety Regulations. You will be responsible for producing Risk Assessments for events and venues for all sporting and other such events.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone and as part of a team. Good communication skills are vital to this role. Health and Safety level 2 certificate is the minimum requirement for this role and must be valid for at least 1 year at the time of application. Experience in Risk Management and producing risk assessments is required for this role. Work placed training will not be provided.

Job Title: Partners and Affiliations Lead

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

This role involves liaising with local organisations, businesses and charities to build working relationships with a joint approach to raising awareness of disability sport in the police. Working with other departments you will be responsible in producing campaigns to attract potential partners and affiliations through donations and sponsorship. You will be required to build a data base of local organisations that are willing to support our campaign and will work with us to support our competitors.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone and as part of a team. Good communication skills are vital to this role.

Job Title: Coaching and Officiating Lead

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Your role will be to work with the National Coaching and Officiating Coordinator to build a database of coaches and officials for each of the PUKDS sports. You will be responsible for identifying individuals who can progress to the next level of qualifications and to engage with the governing bodies to load individuals on to courses. You will also sit on the panel which selects the Home Nations and Team UK coaching teams.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone and as part of a team. Good communication skills are vital to this role. An understanding of the National Coaching and Officiating Frameworks within all of the sports governing bodies.

Job Title: Police Liaison

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Your role will be as the single point of contact (SPoC) for engaging with the Home Office police forces, national police force sectors that fall within your region, the federations and disability associations for that region. You will be responsible for inviting these organisations, chair persons, chief officers and producing promotional material aimed at attracting officers and staff to take part in our sports or attend our events to help raise awareness and funding. You will also be required to engage with police charities to obtain support and funding for our competitors who need additional support with either physical or mental health treatment.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone and as part of a team. Good communication skills are vital to this role. This role would suit a serving or retired police officer or staff member that has worked for any of the police forces in this region who have a knowledge of the processes in contacting specific departments and have built working relationships with officers and staff in that region.

Job Title: Armed Forces Liaison

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

You will be the Regional Armed Forces Champion, with your role being to engage with the armed forces units in your region. To ensure that our activities are in keeping with our pledge under the Armed Forces Covenant. You will work along side the Careers Transition Partnership to offer the Armed Forces community access to our events and help to promote Armed Forces events in the region. You will be the single point of contact for PUKDS and work with local bases on providing access for our staff and competitors to units and bases for recreational and sports activities using Armed Forces facilities. You will also be responsible for engaging with local and national Armed Forces charities such as Royal British Legion and Help for Heroes to provide a contact for additional support for our staff and competitors who require it who are members of the Armed Forces community.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone and as part of a team. Good communication skills are vital to this role. This role would suit either a serving member or veteran of the Armed Forces who has a working knowledge of codes of practice when contacting military units.

Job Title: Competitor Liaison

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Your role will be to provide support to competitors and be the link between the competitors, coaching staff, regional management and National Competitor Liaison Coordinator to highlight any concerns and produce a monthly report on what key areas are of a concern or need developing based on feedback or disclosures by the competitors in your region. Your objective in this role is to ensure that the competitors needs are met at the regional level and to raise their concerns and feedback with management. You will hold monthly online clinics to speak with competitors to get their opinions on the regional sports package and any other topics that need to be discussed.

Applicants must have:

A good working knowledge of Microsoft Office and networking software such as Teams. Able to work alone and as part of a team. Good communication skills are vital to this role.

Athletics Team Vacancies:

Job Title: Head Coach - Athletics Track

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To oversea the training and development of the track athletes.

Applicants must have:

Athletics Coaching Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Job Title: Head Coach - Athletics Field

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To oversea the training and development of the field athletes.

Applicants must have:

Athletics Coaching Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Job Title: Head Coach - Athletics Wheelchair Racing

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To oversea the training and development of the wheelchair athletes.

Applicants must have:

Athletics Coaching Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Job Title: Assistant Coach - Athletics Track

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To assist the Head Coach in the training and development of the athletes.

Applicants must have:

Athletics Coaching Qualification Level 1 as a minimum.

Job Title: Assistant Coach - Athletics Field

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To assist the Head Coach in the training and development of the athletes.

Applicants must have:

Athletics Coaching Qualification Level 1 as a minimum.

Job Title: Assistant Coach - Athletics Wheelchair Racing

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To assist the Head Coach in the training and development of the athletes.

Applicants must have:

Athletics Coaching Qualification Level 1 as a minimum.

Job Title: First Aider

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To provide emergency first aid to any person at the event. To be the point of contact for the emergency services/ambulance in event of medical emergencies requiring further medical assistance.

Applicants must have:

First Aid Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Badminton Vacancies

Job Title: Head Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To oversea the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Badminton coaching Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Job Title: Assistant Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To assist the Head Coach in the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Badminton coaching Qualification Level 1 as a minimum.

Job Title: First Aider

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To provide emergency first aid to any person at the event. To be the point of contact for the emergency services/ambulance in event of medical emergencies requiring further medical assistance.

Applicants must have:

First Aid Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Sitting Volleyball Vacancies

Job Title: Head Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To oversea the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Sitting Volleyball coaching Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Job Title: Assistant Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To assist the Head Coach in the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Sitting Volleyball coaching Qualification Level 1 as a minimum.

Job Title: First Aider

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To provide emergency first aid to any person at the event. To be the point of contact for the emergency services/ambulance in event of medical emergencies requiring further medical assistance.

Applicants must have:

First Aid Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Table Tennis Vacancies

Job Title: Head Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To oversea the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Table Tennis coaching Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Job Title: Assistant Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To assist the Head Coach in the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Table Tennis coaching Qualification Level 1 as a minimum.

Job Title: First Aider

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To provide emergency first aid to any person at the event. To be the point of contact for the emergency services/ambulance in event of medical emergencies requiring further medical assistance.

Applicants must have:

First Aid Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Wheelchair Basketball Vacancies

Job Title: Head Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To oversea the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Wheelchair Basketball coaching Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Job Title: Assistant Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To assist the Head Coach in the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Wheelchair Basketball coaching Qualification Level 1 as a minimum.

Job Title: First Aider

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To provide emergency first aid to any person at the event. To be the point of contact for the emergency services/ambulance in event of medical emergencies requiring further medical assistance.

Applicants must have:

First Aid Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Wheelchair Rugby 5s Vacancies

Job Title: Head Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To oversea the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Wheelchair Rugby 5s coaching Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

Job Title: Assistant Coach

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To assist the Head Coach in the training and development of competitors.

Applicants must have:

Wheelchair Rugby 5s coaching Qualification Level 1 as a minimum.

Job Title: First Aider

Job Description:

This role is a voluntary position with remote working from home.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To provide emergency first aid to any person at the event. To be the point of contact for the emergency services/ambulance in event of medical emergencies requiring further medical assistance.

Applicants must have:

First Aid Qualification Level 2 as a minimum.

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